After the success of SFD’s 5th annual Garage Sale, the organization wanted to continue the great work by participating in a distribution mission to a new NGO partner. Seams For Dreams received so many donations during the holidays and the goal to clothe 100,000 people in need each year is something the entire team will continue to inch towards. Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust, an organization that has many different focus areas including education, health, and nutrition, was the recipient of 300 articles of clothing at the start of the month. These clothes will go to those in need and Seams For Dreams is thrilled to offer this initial support. Seams For Dreams will continue to look forward to more missions to help Ratna Nidhi!
For those who would like to help Seams For Dreams further their mission this year, feel free to visit Founder Evelyn Sharma’s online shop at to purchase your very own Seams For Dreams merchandise t-shirt, which was exclusively designed by Salita Nanda and showcased at the 5th Annual Garage Sale.
The t-shirts were the highlight of the event, and all proceeds go directly to the charity to help more people in need.
Keep Giving in Style!
Team SFD