With upcycling, it’s always best to start them young. Children are vessels of creativity so there’s no reason as to why recycling and upcycling can’t be incorporated into their daily lives in a fun and engaging way. Chances are, these DIY projects will become a favourite past time in the household and once the creative juices start to flow, the possibilities are endless! Not to mention, there is so much that is thrown away every day, so why not encourage maximum use out of things we see around the house? Here are three fun DIY upcycling projects that children can enjoy, too

Piggy banks made from plastic bottles
All you need is a large plastic bottle for the body, 5 bottle caps for the four feet and the nose, newspaper to wrap it all up, cardboard for the ears, googly eyes that can be painted on or stuck on, pipe cleaner for the curly tail, craft paint and other colors depending on what you want, glue, and art scissors! The best part is that this helps children start thinking about saving, too!

Pick a can, any can, because these lanterns can be made from any old canned vegetable or ghee container. After that, grab a hammer and nail with parental supervision, of course, pipe cleaners for the handle and a little tea light candle. You can even paint the outside to customize the look and feel. Make sure you poke holes in the tin can in whatever design, make holes to attach the pipe cleaners to the top and your project is ready to go!
Penguins and turtles are the cutest! All you need is the paper egg carton, some craft paint and paper– black or green depending on which animal you choose, googly eyes, and glue! Each individual egg cup will be trimmed down to be the body of the animal, and you can cut the paper for the nose, feet, and body. Paint the cup, attach the eyes and body parts, and you can put together a perfectly adorable clan of animals!
Keep giving in style!
Team SFD